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A Mayoral Wishlist - 2021 West Midlands Mayoral Election

Kashmire Hawker • 24 January 2021

Whomever is Mayor, needs to be Radical and Positive towards MY Generation!

IMAGE: A City in Development - a Sunrise snap of Wolverhampton's i9; continuing to come together, on November 26th 2020

The wonder and current shape of politics across our region, makes May 6th 2021's contest for Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority a rather interesting affair. 

The fight between incumbant Andy Street - the man who led John Lewis and the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership pre-political life, before causing a political earthquake with a 0.8% and 3,776 2nd Preference Vote Majority in 2017 for the Conservatives and Labour's Liam Bryne; the one time Chief Secretary to the Treasury, MP for Birmingham Hodge Hill and avid Devoulation campaigner; along with 4 other candidates thus far confirmed from the Green's, Liberal Democrats, Our West Midlands and an Independent (full list at the bottom), surely makes it the 2nd most important Mayoral fight of the year after London.

I don't have any doubt, that with the way that Mayor's have come to the centre of attention, for being extremely regular headliners on the news, a lot of time disagreeing with the Tiering decisions and fighting for further financial support across the whole 10 months since Lockdown 1 hit, interest in the £79,000 post will hopefully see a big boost on the 26% turnout from May 4th 2017.

For me however, what I very much want is the greatest possible interest in the way's that lives CAN be improved via the figurehead of a Combined Authority - a body which still has many a critic in the electorate at large. And that is where listening to my generation; particuarly the Under 25's and People with Disabilities couldn't be more vital, if real opportunity can be offered, change can be radical and ultimately helps build the region we all desire.

This is why I give - what most will see as a radical wishlist, of what I would love to see the WMCA help do; in really showing the true meaning of phrases including "Build Back Better", "Levelling Up" and "Opportunity for All".  Being in the positions I am and having expanded my knowledge of what exists across WM massively in the last 18 months, I feel may strike a cord as a result of the need of being bold post COVID-19.

What do I formally seek, from a candidate in there Manfiesto's and ultimately in office?
  • Appoint Deputy Mayors, alongside the Statutory Deputy Mayor covering:  
    • Environment, Energy and Transport (Including High Speed 2)
    • Commonwealth Games, Culture and Digital
    • Housing and Land 
    • Inclusive Communities and Wellbeing
  • Create the positions of Young Mayor and Deputy Young Mayor (Aged Under 25); either directly elected or appointed from the West Midlands Young Combined Authority, who will jointly lead the YCA Board
  • Establish a WMCA Youth Scrutiny Board, led by the Young Mayor, the Young Combined Authority and other Young People across the region
  • Enhance YCA representatives’ rights on the CA Board, as much as practically possible under the rules of the CA Constitution
  • Strengthening the Transport for West Midlands Youth Forum and making it a formally structured body
  • Ensuring ALL WMCA Events are fully accessible for People with Disabilities and requiring ALL polices and actions to work for them, through the creation of a Mayor’s People With Disabilities Advisory Forum and WM Quality of Life Transform Board, lead by experts in change making fields
  • Work directly with the Birmingham 2022 Organising Committee, to develop a Games Legacy Plan, for Sport, Culture, Investment and Opportunities
  • Follow up on the success of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, by undertaking Feasibility Studies for bidding for events such as the 9th Commonwealth Youth Games in 2029 – most previously hosted in the UK in Edinburgh in 2000, the 5th Youth Summer Olympic Games in 2030, which has not yet been held in Europe and the 13th World Games (the games for non-Olympic Sports) in 2033 – last held in the UK in London in 1985
  • Consider the use of the Mayoral Rebate and part of Government Held Reserves for the CA, to fund Free Travel for Under 25’s across the region
  • Following Manchester City Region’s lead and develop a WM Opportunity Pass 
In explaining my thinking, first of all - I rightfully look at Young People. In the words of 2019/2020 National Union of Students' President Zamzam Ibrahim, “We’ve spent the last decade fighting against things. It’s time to fight for something.” Such words couldn't ring more true, with services for my folk having been cut to the bone and shockingly, much of that having hit funding for representation - the very thing Young People need to value and take opportunity within. 

The Young Combined Authority has been a massive step forward in terms of that direction and to enhance it, an appointed/elected Young Mayor and Deputy, formation of a CA Youth Scrutiny Board, strengthening the YCA's role as much as possible and making the TfWM Youth Forum a formal body, would in my mind give WM one of the strongest set of opportunities, to getting youth voices made as loud as they should be. Knowing too that the YCA have developed, a very well recieved Our West Midlands: Young Combined Authority Vision and Priorities document; all efforts in bringing it's plans to life, would demonstrate that our regional leaders; regardless of political colour mean business.

Supplimenting that, the formation of 4 Deputy Mayor's - whose roles would be wide varying, would follow London's Lead where they have 10 (!) and a Deputy's remit can achieve some spectacular results - providing the power is there. And the areas as mentioned, all have powers which the CA have and can continue to lobby further for, giving such a post holder great opportunity: IF a mandate is given by the voters and the Government is not stubborn power wise.

Being a person with a Disability, our representation also couldn't matter more, within a period where a virus is causing such heartbreak. Co-Production and getting more folks around the table; to hear there thinking and rightful radicalism, through such high level boards suggested would be a terrific way of helping to strengthen our rights and give a platform - for experts and those with real life experiences of inequality to shape the more compassionate region we need to be.

Of course - as a Birmingham 2022 employee, the chances before us post the games are one of a most unique measure and gives me permanent delight; in having the Organising Committee as my employer. The Games Legacy Plan, needs to cover more than just what sport can look like in the coming decade, but such a platform provides further chances to use such infrastructure for the events as mentioned - which brings in tourism, economic enhancement and develop the region's Cultural offering.

And finally, on the wonder of Travel - of course, the financial gaps across Transport for West Midlands are indeed a great worry and I very much commend the WMCA for helping to cover a fair bit of it. 

However - seeing that other financial opportunities lie in the grass and the enourmous need for one of the youngest region's in Europe; to both feel valued and have such a real sense of opportunity, it would feel foolish not see if funding can be used, to develop a Freedom Pass as seen in Greater Manchester and ask folks to pay a little more, in funding Free Travel for Under 25's - who have been affected the most by COVID-19!
I'm sure the quiet majority, wouldn't mind wanting to give support to my generation, seeing how such a dreadful situation has torn apart many dreams.

This may all seem wishful thinking and many think Devolution is a waste of time, knowing of the costs and red tape involved. Having such influence however; makes one believe that better days are ahead, progressive politics can help redefine the West Midlands and ultimately CHANGE LIVES. 

That is what the WMCA is there do; that is what regional leaders should desire to see and knowing opportunities exist, it's time they were ultilised and helped many hundreds of thousands; who call our Three City's and Four Towns home!

P.S - And as promised - particuarly for folk outside the region reading this, the so far confirmed candidates for Thursday May 6th 2021's Election, for the postion of Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority, are as follows:
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by Kashmire Hawker 23 December 2024
As 2024 comes toward an end, I can say that this year for me has been one of change, one of further development and one of opening my eyes in many ways. In typing this reflection, I feel immensely satisfied and proud to have made this year my first in a full-time job without a fixed end date, in an organisation of the West Midlands Combined Authority, which has plenty of opportunities for me to consider in the coming months and years and working within in an outstanding team. I also feel hugely delighted at continuing to give my time in voluntary service, not least through Parkrun, Silverstone and in the perhaps once in a generation Champions League Final at Wembley in the Summer, as well as raise £405, in two events of the Great Birmingham Run of £130 for Cure Leukemia and £275 at the Molineux Sleepout for Wolverhampton Wanderers Foundation and The Good Shepherd. On top, to have again sought office to serve my home city for a fourth year running and garnered 1,656 votes (even if not a winning total!), as well as contributed to successful wider political campaigning for my party’s and substantially expanded on my engagement in them gave me a privilege and deeper fire in the belly than ever before, in giving back to Wulfrunians. Finally, many more runs, seeing Taylor Swift, Kaiser Chiefs and The Darkness in concert, plus a sublime Musical about the pop heroes in Steps, marching at two Pride events, continuing engagement with Wolverhampton Wanderers, Solutions for the Planet and Changing Our Lives and completing a fantastic personal development programme on getting younger folk as Trustees in Arts and Cultural organisations, have all formed part of another busy 12 months. Naturally however, losing an Election and your best furry friend in my house’s dog Harley, alongside needing to help move my Mum to a safer place, all in the space of 7 weeks stung greatly in May and June. The death of a beloved dog and family member and Mum’s house move were not easy financially to deal with, but I managed it as has been the case with previous years. This year has also meant some greatly more honest and blunt conversations, which have burnt a few bridges with once seen trustworthy allies and pals. Being straight and upfront however is sometimes the best course and I don’t regret that for one moment, not least when the mind is burdened enough with day-to-day activity. Those things have definitely made me really realised that the world is a big and lonely place, and that sense of loneliness continues to affect my thoughts. This no doubt feels true and always will do at Christmas, with December 25th being the anniversary of Kieran’s passing in 2021 aged just 25 and I frankly will never know how to truly feel on the day itself. Knowing he is not here to share Christmas lunch will always put a size 9 boot dent in my heart. Having said that, I have good people around me and I give my wholehearted thanks to all for your continued support and good wishes, at what will forever be a sensitive and mournful point of the year, in my family’s life. In whatever way which you and your family mark this festive and new year period, I hope it is as enjoyable and peaceful as it possibly can be and that it gives a chance to rest and be with those closest to you, as well as embrace it being the season of giving, whether gifts or love. A further blog post, or two, on reflecting 2024 and looking ahead to 2025 shall come before the clock hits midnight next Wednesday.
by Kashmire Hawker 16 December 2024
The Co-operative Party has been a natural home for me for towards five years and gives me a brilliant platform to shout about and run on critical issues. As Chair of the Walsall, Wolverhampton and South Staffordshire, Branch and as a Labour and Co-operative candidate in Local Elections in my home City of Wolverhampton since 2021, I’m proud to make an impact and with the party’s immense expansion over the years, I would be honoured to play a bigger part. And as someone with experience in Youth Representation – most recently with the West Midlands Young Combined Authority and Labour Party wise as the current Policy and Political Education Officer for the Wolverhampton West CLP, I feel ready to use that skill set to the full. Thus, if Elected as a Youth Committee Member, I will: Help to establish a WM Young Co-operative Youth Network spread right across my region, which is not just stuck within the Metropolitan centre; Work with Labour groups across my region, for them to Elect a Co-operative Rep on to their committee s; Engage with our friends In Trade Unions, Fabians Society and The Labour Party to run joint events; whether campaigning, educational or socially; Work with colleagues to ensure events are accessible as possible, not least for Neurodiverse people ; Join Young Co-operators up and down the nation in campaignin g; And be Accountable and Transparent in my work as per the Nolan Principles, so fellow Members can question me at any moment . We have a wonderful opportunity to shape the Party’s future and with a Labour and Co-operative Government now in place, it would be a huge privilege for myself to play a part. Please vote Kashmire Hawker for Youth Committee. Thank You!
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