Who'd thought, that Boxing Day of all day's (Saturday December 26th, 2020) would be used for what could be seen as some knockout news! (excuse the dreadful pun...)
I'm sure folks across the City of Wolverhampton won't mind, with the excellent announcement of City of Wolverhampton Council's provisional award of £15,760,196 - by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government as part of the Government's Future High Street Fund! I congratulate all who contributed to another important step, towards the continued transformation of this City of Opportunity.
The funding isn't what Wolverhampton fully asked for (of around £20 Million), however I am very pleased that much of the request, which will form a key part of making our ever expanding and changing City Centre a much friendlier place to shop and socialise - has today been officially granted. It very much adds to the extraordinary £4.4 BILLION currently live or in the pipeline, worth of developments which the city is seeing and will soon add to.
I would Minister's hope commitments don't suddenly end here however, knowing of the good soundings which we have had in regards to the £50 Million Towns Deal Funding bid and the great number of rumours; suggesting that the in development i9, is set to become a new major hub for MHCLG itself. Therefore if those plans are still very much in the Government's minds, they must announce both that funding and the Ministry's office as soon as possible, so those commitments can be fulfilled and tangible change can happen as the pace required.
Finally, seeing that the West Midlands Combined Authority area as a whole (specifically through 3 Full Members and 3 Non-Constituent Members) collectively secured £82,216,264 and the entire region through 10 areas, have been awarded a very impressive £146,091,845 - of the £831 Million pot, is a real sign of what collective, political leadership can achieve.
That is regardless of party colours and I hope that continues, at a time of such international importance - along with the need for ALL areas being entitled to apply for and win such money in future. Only then the mantra of Levelling Up, will be seen as working as it should!