If you had said four years ago, that I would be one of the founding members of the biggest ever strategic voice for Young People across the West Midlands; of which become award winning, bring together those seeking the highest office in our part of the world and give a new and vital platform to be engaged with our Leaders, then I would have looked and thought "What are you thinking?!"
Whilst at Sheffield Hallam University and whilst in the thick of being one of many champions for students, I very much thought that my days as a Youth Representative who has that kind of engagement and opportunity were over.
But when a Board like the West Midlands Young Combined Authority comes along - as it so did in 2019, it's something which you'd be crazy to say no to.
And seeing that through three YCA Boards since September 2019 and in the wide and apolitical mission of collectively developing the future of the Region, I've been part of producing an Award winning Vision and Priorities Document, helped shaped elements of work on the COVID Recovery, the WM2041 Climate and Environment Strategy, sat on the influential Transport Scrutiny Sub-Committee and Regional Road Safety Group, speak at WMCA Board on countless occasions, be a signatory on a hugely powerful letter on Black Lives Matter and discover the immense talent amongst our young people - many who are now life long friends and allies, has made the experience all worth it.
I will in the coming weeks write a wider and funkier looking review of my experience and the influence which we've had since the YCA's formation and what I think it's structure looks like.
That is for another moment however, as through this post give my wholehearted thanks to staff at the CA, former Delivery Partner in Beatfreeks and current Delivery Partner in Aspire4U, for the support given and the work they've put in to make it work, as well as to the team who wrote the 2018 Leaders Like You report, that helped persuade Mayor Andy Street to set up this ambitious team of future changemakers.
And to the Mayor - for taking what many would perceive a risk, thank you for the support given and giving us the chance to be the challenging voice we can be.
My time maybe at a natural end, but I will be forever grateful for the platform it gave to me, to in the words of former Labour Party Leader John Smith QC "Speak up for people who cannot speak up for themselves."
May the voice of this bold, powerful and unique forever be shouted about and for enabling me this extraordinary: THANK YOU!